The Way Church "Network"
net·work noun /ˈnetˌwərk/
2.“a group or system of interconnected people or things.”
Definition from Oxford Language Dictionary
The Way Church Network (TWCN) is a family of microchurches relationally connected to make disciples, start and support microchurches, train leaders and champion the vision of the seeing Kingdom movements all across the globe.
Each TWCN microchurch is autonomous yet networked together to facilitate balance between pressing forward in starting new churches while ensuring that each microchurch is a healthy expression of Jesus in a given community. This means sharing resources, evangelizing new areas, equipping and supporting leaders and developing tools to be utilized to more effectively make disciples and train leaders.
Ultimately, TWCN seeks to mobilize believers into a broken world, engaging people through sharing our lives and the good news of Jesus Christ. We trust that disciples of Jesus will result. In community, these new followers of Jesus will be established in the faith as they live out Jesus’ mission of loving a broken world. Once a leader is appointed, this group identifies as a microchurch in the network and follows the same pattern. The hope is the multiplication of Christ followers, living in community and on mission, networked together for support and greater impact, will result in King Jesus transforming lives and communities.